Last night, I was sitting at my computer, letting my kids
frolic around the house while I did my usual mommy time of getting into emails,
Ebaying, etc. Dinner was done, homework completed and the kids were biding their time until bed. Then it occurred to me "Eva, you're too structured. Let loose". So I did. I decided to play a game of hide and seek with my children. What a novel idea, a game. I get so focused on structure that I don't take the time to be a kid with the kids. And every adult needs to be footloose and fancy free sometimes. We get too serious. So I suggested the idea and the first question out of all 4 children's mouths was "You're going to play with us?" "Yep" I said matter of
factly. They were giddy with excitement. I volunteered to count first. Children scattered and I heard the scuffs of little bare feet across the wood floor, a stomp stomp up the stairs as one headed up to No Mans Land. One of the requirements was that all the lights except where the counter sat had to be turned off. I was hopeful this would cure the two youngest of their imaginary fear of the dark as they navigated their way through it. As I began counting, Laura snuck into her hiding spot in the same room. I could hear her laughing quietly to herself, pretty certain she had found the best hiding place ever. As I neared the half point mark in counting, Laura piped in "Don't forget to say 'Ready or Not' when you're done counting". Thanks Laura. Obviously, she has yet to learn the art of stealthy silence in a good game of hide and seek. As I neared the end, I heard a few house sounds from the basement and knew someone else was tucking themselves into another great spot. I saw Laura right off, but played that I couldn't see her. "Now where is Laura Frances" I said, repeating myself a few times. I could hear her giggle in pure delight. Finally, not able to stand the idea of being hidden from Mom any longer, she popped up from her spot and laughed so heartily that I couldn't help but laugh. Next, I saw little
Grantie huddled under a piece of furniture, again pretty plain for the human eye to detect. But in his little mind, he was concealed like
camouflage to the forest. I touched his back and he giggled, loving every minute of his secret time. We went together to find the other two boys. Grant has eyes like a panther. He spotted Evan and I walked right past him. Evan was hiding in the dirty clothes hamper---
ewwww. But hey, it's hide and seek. Hygiene has to be compromised for the sake of the best hiding spot.
Aedyn was last on the list. He has been known to
Gumby his way into the smallest of spaces. So we again went together to find him. The mirror in our main floor bathroom showed his reflection and Grant spotted him first. They were laughing and asking me if I thought that they had each found the best hiding spot ever. "Of course" was my reply. Evan didn't delay. Before I could say a word, he was into counting motion, huddled on the futon, waiting for us to disperse immediately. I went upstairs, where the dark was the greatest. Nothing like hiding in the dark. Laura's bedroom seemed an
apropos place since it was nearing the end of the timed countdown. I wanted to see if this 36 year old body could fit under her bed. The legs went, the hips---barely but the rest of me, especially my melon of a head would have none of it. So there I lay, pulling the bedspread upon me, half in and half out, hoping I wouldn't be the first found. Well, that's not difficult to pull off considering Laura gives herself up willingly and Grant is soon to follow. Again, found second to last--
wishew. And one more game, I went into a closet this time. I was quiet and slowed my breathing. As I stood there in the dark, it took me back to being a kid when I had oodles of energy and I could squeeze myself into
Gumby type situations for the sake of finding a good hiding spot. Those times were gone. But what a rush it was to play a simple game of hide and seek with my kids. If you haven't done it lately, I suggest it as perfect family therapy.