Uncle Jeff will be leaving us soon. So we're trying to get in some last minute family activities. We decided that since we had not been to Luray Caverns for a few years, we would head over with two Uncles, 4 kids, and me and Rob of course. It was a fun day. The caverns are very very cool. I got a lot of pictures. It seemed like every time I turned a corner, there was more stalagmites and stalactites. I'll give you a brief education. Stalagmites grow up from the floor. Stalactites stick tight to the ceiling. I learned that from our 12 year old tour guide. Okay, so he wasn't really 12 but he was a little questionable on age. Luray is about 1.5 hours from where we live. It's a small, quaint town in Virginia. We went out to eat at a local restaurant afterward. We got some authentic German food and drove home. A fun time for all. And I can proudly say for the first time, we went through the cave listening to children fuss and cry over one thing or another and not once were those cries from my children. Small steps folks, small steps.

Grant calls this one the CHEETO.