I know, I know, all 5 of you that read this blog have been saying to yourself "Really, she's waiting this long to not blog when her blog posts are so titillating". I thank you for saying so. I could have this imaginary conversation with you all day long. I just figured it was time to say something, speak my mind as I usually do, to my devoted fan base of 5.
I have been sick the last couple of days. Being sick is not fun but it gets compounded by the fact that when you get sick, and have 4 children to contend with, you don't get any "me" time really. You have to take it where you can get it. And what is up with husbands thinking that if you're sick,surely they must be sick. They exhibit no symptoms but they do kiss you so that automatically puts them into the sick club. So Rob all of a sudden had the kind of headache that says "I have to go down to my man cave and rest up while playing video games" kind of headache. And I have that sickness of "You're fine, you can still make breakfast, lunch, and dinner for the kids and clean up the house and crochet an afghan for my cold body in one hour" type sickness. It's not fair. And I'm proclaiming it so on my blog. Love ya Rob.
On to other things. Kids and the bathtub is the next chopping block subject. I have two little ones who enjoy bathing themselves. I get it. Independence and all that. But I'm telling you, I think Bath and Body Works has some kind of secret deal going with Laura, my 5 year old. Never have I seen a child go through so much soap. That girl uses soap like...well like a 5 year old given a glass of milk and a full bottle of Hershey's syrup. The syrup will be gone by the end of the milk drinking. And sure enough, my soap somehow finds it's fine smelling self going down the drain with the water. But the bubbles I suppose were worth the risk. And if I interrupt her said date with the soap, she gives me all the best reasons in the world why she used the soap. "It makes these really cool bubbles Mom". But I think the desire is to just see how many bottles of shampoo, conditioner, and regular soap she can make empty by the end of that particular bath session. And I'm a glutton for it, let me tell you. I keep telling myself "Eva remember what your daughter does in the bathtub so that next time you can remove everything but a hotel size soap for her to use". And then sure enough, bath time comes and everything I wanted to remember has been wiped from the brain. I come in later to find emptied, bubble filled bottles bobbing in the tub. It's like nuclear fall out in the bathroom, soap style.
With that said, kids are fun. I wouldn't trade my experiences. I would however gladly relinquish sick days for me and my husband. You see, when he's sick then the whole world has to stop. Children have to be hushed to church levels. Meals must be brought up on regular intervals. Wet cloths to the forehead and a hiring of Swedish maids or something like that (wink). I am still a little woozy from battling sickness all weekend. But I'm ready to get back to the grind of the work week and hope for the best. I am headed to Utah in 2 weeks time. Kids are counting down school's end in 9 short school days (that doesn't include weekends in case you were wondering).
Happy Summer everyone!